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Important Information

As of January 1, 2020, Radionomy will migrate towards the Shoutcast platform. This evolution is part of the Group’s wish to offer all digital radio producers new professional-quality tools to better meet their needs.

Shoutcast has been a leader throughout the world in digital radio. It provides detailed statistics and helps its users to develop their audience. More than a thousand partners carry Shoutcast stations to their connected apps and devices.

Discover the Shoutcast solution.

Another Music Project


Being run by sound designer and musician known as .kri tik who produces and broadcasts classic IDM with a little bit of pure electronic ambient music. Playlist attentively selected from variety of IDM tracks found all over the world and time continuum, including works of famous IDM producers as well as ones who deserve to be heard, but still unknown.

Last tracks played

data rebel

forgotten symmetry

on air

need a name


stephen hummel

inside your theory

l'usine icl

ask you



data rebel



self impersonation [remix]
