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Important Information

A compter du 1er janvier 2020, Radionomy migrera vers la plateforme Shoutcast. Cette évolution s’inscrit dans la volonté du groupe de proposer à tous les producteurs de radios digitales de nouveaux outils professionnels pour mieux répondre à leur attente.

Shoutcast est depuis longtemps le leader mondial de la radio numérique. Il fournit des statistiques détaillées, et aide ses utilisateurs à développer leur audience. Plus d’un millier de partenaires relaient les stations de Shoutcast sur leurs applications et appareils connectés.

Découvrez la solution Shoutcast.

Franco / 7 résultats

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In Spring of 2008 singer/songwriter Mark Bridgeman, pianist Andrew Rasmussen, bass player Marcus Abramzik and drummer Josh Contant began practice sessions to form what would become prominent Vancouver group FRANCO. Though having a collective age of only 22, the members of FRANCO have opened for 54-40, Econoline Crush, Sweatshop Union, released three albums, toured, and worked with various producers. They have been slowly building a following around the Vancouver area, playing venues such as the Railway Club, the Bourbon, the Backstage Lounge and many others. They have appeared as showcased Artists on CJFM 90.1fm twice, toured to the island, played in the Nearly Famous Music Festival, appeared as an "Artist for Gregor Robertson" (the current mayor of Vancouver) and generally kept busy. In Febuary of 2009 FRANCO were given a showcase spot on Victorias premier pop/rock station 91.3 the Zone Fm. And in June of 2009 they will head out on a cross Canada tour in a gigantic yellow school bus to raise awareness for the Kids Help Phone. This is an ambitious group of individuals, whose talent promises great things.

En savoir plus sur Franco

Résultats radios pour FRANCO

Foi Apostolique Siège Francophone

Foi Apostolique Siège Francophone

Francosteemradio v2

Francosteemradio v2

Francosteemradio V2.1

Francosteemradio V2.1

Hip Hop Franco

Hip Hop Franco

M Radio - Francophonie

M Radio - Francophonie

Franco radio

Franco radio

