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Important Information

A compter du 1er janvier 2020, Radionomy migrera vers la plateforme Shoutcast. Cette évolution s’inscrit dans la volonté du groupe de proposer à tous les producteurs de radios digitales de nouveaux outils professionnels pour mieux répondre à leur attente.

Shoutcast est depuis longtemps le leader mondial de la radio numérique. Il fournit des statistiques détaillées, et aide ses utilisateurs à développer leur audience. Plus d’un millier de partenaires relaient les stations de Shoutcast sur leurs applications et appareils connectés.

Découvrez la solution Shoutcast.


"Hitting the scene early 2008 after the disbanding of the Hard Rock band Riot, Chaos Faerie made their much anticipated debut onto the UK metal scene.
With their first few shows, and the release of the EP, ‘..An Angel' they presented, with some force, their impressive blend of modern Metalcore and influences in Melodic Death Metal.
Mid Summer 09 one of Chaos Faerie's Guitarist left the band.
So now with a new band name 'Ascension' and a mini ablum due to be released winter 09 things seems to be looking up.
The combination fused to create a sound that has been described as "~ like a combination of In Flames, Children Of Bodom and a metal version of The Offspring fronted by Devin Townsend" not to mention "Dangerously infectious to listen to!" Recieving better reviews and receptions with every show, these guys are sure to make their mark in the very near future"


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